Everett Smith has given me copies of about 20 land transaction documents, and I will try
to get them all transcribed and posted here.  Below are some that include people named Brown,
some of whom are relatives of Thomas.  Some of the copies are hard to read and/or
decipher, and there may be typos in my transcriptions.  Note that while most are signed
by Thomas and Mary, two are signed by Thomas and Martha... 

            Deeds/Land Transfers of Thomas Smith (1688-1768)

5/9/1726 - THOMAS SMITH to (Uncle) THOMAS BROWN

To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come Greeting. Know ye [that] I, 
Thomas Smith of Chester within his [Majesty's] Province of New Hampshire in New England, 
In consideration of love & affection which I have and do bear to my loving & dutiful uncle
Thomas Brown of ye town and province aforesaid, have given & granted and by these presents
do freely clearly and absolutely give grant & dispose to ye said Thomas Brown and his heirs
[exe adm] and assigns forever..

[much of the following text is unclear]

The document is signed by Thomas Smith, in the presence of Thomas Calwell and John Macmurphy.



  for & in consideration of ye sum of seventeen pounds [Cut?] money or passable bills of credit
on ye Province aforesaid to me in hand paid before ye [ensealing?] here of by John Brown of ye
town & province aforesaid hath given granted bargained sold alien....

[copy is poor, but property seems to be bounded thus:].. beginning at a chestnut tree - marked
- running northerly two hundred and forty rods by marked tree, to a pitch pine tree, marked, 
thence running easterly by marked trees about twenty rods to a stake & stone, thence running
south by marked tree, two hundred and forty rods to a stake & stone, thence running westerly
to ye chestnut tree... 

[much more legal phrasing continues to promise that all of Thomas Smith's heirs will realize 
that all rights to this property belong to John Brown & his heirs]

[Other unclear areas seem to be saying that Thomas' wife Martha gives up her right of dowry & 
power of thirds on these premises - possibly this was property that Martha (Mary???) brought 
to the marriage]

Signed by Thomas Smith (seal) & Martha Smith (her mark) in presence of John Hulton, Jean McMurphey,
May 8, 1728. James McKeen, Justice of the Peace


6/28/1734 - THOMAS SMITH to (Cousin) SAMUEL BROWN

To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting know ye [that] I Thomas Smith of Chester
in ye Province of New Hampshire in New England, Yeoman.  In consideration of ye parental love and
affection which I have and do bear towards my cousin Samuel Brown of Bradford in ye county of Essex
and Province of [?] Massachusetts Bay in New England and for divers other causes and consideration
[me hereunto moving?] have given & grant and by these presents  do fully freely & absolutely given
& grant unto and confer upon him, my ye said cousin Samuel Brown & his heirs & assigns forever twenty
acres of land scituate lying & being in Chester, it being part of ye second or north division. 
Laid out to the original right of Jacob Stannel of Hampton, [fis?] No 66 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ye 
[premises] as they are above described and set forth together with all ye appurtenances & all rights
profits privileges to ye same belonging as all timber trees wood and underwood and all commodities 
to ye same belonging or in any way appertaining thereunto to him ye said Samuel Brown & his heirs... 

[much more legal phrasing continues to promise that all of Thomas Smith's heirs will realize that all 
rights to this property belong to Samuel Brown & his heirs]

......In witness whereof I, ye said Thomas Smith have hereunto set my hand & seal this 28th day of June
anno Domini 1734 in ye 7th year of His Majesty's reign  King George 2nd ----------Thomas Smith---(seal)
and Mary Smith (seal) - Signed sealed & [delivered?] in presence of us - Sarah Emerson, Samuel Emerson,
William Gafe, Elizabeth Smith, Province of New Hampshire, Town of Londonderry, June 27th 1734, Thomas 
Smith in Chester doth appear publicly before me and doth acknowledge this deed [?] or article to be his
voluntary act & deed before me. George Duncan, Justice of the Peace.



To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting know ye [that] I Thomas Smith of Chester in 
ye Province of New Hampshire in New England in holder for & in consideration of ye sum of ninety one
ponds ten shillings [??] money of ye Province aforesaid to me in hand and before ye [ensealing?] here
by James Wilson third of Chester in ye Province aforesaid - Yeoman Rec:[?] whereof I hereby acknowledge
and myself fully [satisfied and contented and paid?]: have given granted bargained sold alien released
conveyed and confirmed by these presents do freely clearly and absolutely give grant bargain sell alien
release convey & confirm unto him, ye said James Wilson, his heirs & assigns forever a certain tract of
land lying & being in ye township of Chester abovesaid. It being by estimation ten acres more or less 
butted & bounded as followeth:  northerly by a stake [No 48] easterly by a burch tree [No 48] southerly
by ye land of Rob't Wilson westerly by ye land of Hugh Wilson. it being one half of ye first division
which was originally Richard Wibirds of Portsmouth in New Hampshire aforesaid. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ye 
before granted & bargained...

[much more legal phrasing continues to promise that all of Thomas Smith's heirs will realize that all
rights to this property belong to James Wilson & his heirs]

...In witness whereof I, ye said Thomas Smith have hereunto set my hand & seal this 24th day of March
anno Domini 1738 in the 11th year of His Majestys reign  King George 2nd ye said King of Great Britain
Thomas Smith-----(seal)and Mary Smith------ (her mark) - signed sealed & [delivered?] in presence of 
John Shierla, John Calfe, Jr., Province of New Hampshire, Chester, March ye 29th 1738, Thomas Smith
and Mary his wife both personally appearing, acknowledged ye [?] written instrument to be their 
voluntary act & deed before me.  John Goffe, Justice of the Peace.


There are about 15 more to be transcribed.....

Revised May 9, 2004