New Boston Historical Society
New Boston, New Hampshire
A Bird's-Eye View of New Boston Village
The architecture of New Boston village differs from that of the traditional New England town.
Instead of white colonial buildings set around a village green, New Boston also has some colorful buildings in a Victorian style.
This is due to the Fire of 1887 which burned most of the village.
Let's explore some of the history of New Boston village.
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We thank Ken Cuneo for the wonderful aerial photo!

The Apple Barn is now New Boston Hardware. (Does anyone know when it lost its cupola?)

To the right of the Baptist Church are the Old Engine House and the Town Hall which are still in use. We don't know the purpose of the very tall white poles next to the telephone pole. Similar poles are visible in some photos of The Tavern.

There is much more information about the Creamery and J.R. Whipple on the "About the Farm" page.

In the old photo, the Baptist Church is just visible on the village green beyond the store. The horse-drawn New Boston Creamery van is heading towards the Creamery which to just out of sight to the left.

A new post-and-beam structure was built in 2008 by volunteers to replace the old grandstands that had seen many baseball games.

Roger Babson's Gravity Research Foundation once held meetings in this Brick Building, and there is a monument to Anti-Gravity in the traffic island nearby.

Items on display in the museum include: the 1743 "Molly Stark" cannon in the care of the New Boston Artillery Company, the Tavern carriage once used to meet hotel guests at the train station, products made in New Boston's mills and workshops, and a golden eagle shot while carrying off a hunter's beagle.

It's on Mill Street; the brown building just visible between the Historical Society and Parker's Mill in the photo above. In good weather, enjoy your coffee on the balcony which has a nice view of the mill and the Piscataquog River.

In this photo, the house has been jacked up and put on steel rails to be moved. You can see Nan's house today to the left of the Historical Society / Wason Memorial building in the photo above.

The Old Engine House later served as the Town Clerk's office and the Historical Society building, and now houses the Recreation Department. The iron fence now in front of the building came from the old Depot Bridge.

The mill survived the Fire of 1887 and later became a Merrimack Farmers' Exchange, selling grain and coal and baby chicks. It is now a private home. The mill dam floated away during a flood about ten years ago and cannot be rebuilt.

The actual Railroad Depot building is just out of the bird's-eye view / aerial photo to the left of the bridge. After the railroad closed in the 1930s the Depot served as a community center, a police station, and a pre-school called "Little People's Depot". It is now a private home.

Howard Towne said this school taught students everything they needed to know to live a good life. He learned farming techniques in its Vocational/Agricultural class and was taught woodworking and blacksmithing by the principal himself in a workshop behind the school.

Of course, there is more information on "The Tavern" page.

Charles moved to Massachusetts after his wife Julia perished in the river behind their house.

A volunteer regularly climbs up into the bell tower to rewind the clock mechanism. The Town Hall is also the home of the Joe English Grange.

Bibb Elliot remembered that the men in town would cut and split a year's supply of firewood and throw it down into the basement of the Community Church to feed the wood furnace.

In the 1940s the building was converted into the Cathedral neck-tie factory. Later it was a NAPA autoparts store. The building was torn down to make way for the garden center that is on this site today.

Hagland's building was also the site of Pringle's Store. For a number of years it was Hunter's Angling Supply, and fishermen could be seen in the street, experimentally fly-casting.
New Boston village before the Fire of 1887, looking west from Meetinghouse Hill.
The Presbyterian Church is to the left, a white 3-story general store is in the middle, and the Town Hall and Baptist Church are to the right.
Buildings like The Tavern (just left of center, with flagpole) on the other side of the river survived the fire.