New Boston Historical Society
New Boston, New Hampshire
Drawings by Charles W. Reed from the 1877 memoir "Hardtack and Coffee, or the Unwritten Story of Army Life" by John D. Billings
Hardtack & Coffee - the Daily Life of a Civil War Soldier
The Civil War special exhibit at the Historical Society features items from the daily lives of Union soldiers and cavalrymen. The exhibit was prepared by Dick and Betsy Moody in conjunction with a May 2013 Civil War encampment hosted by the Historical Society for the Central School and townspeople of New Boston. Many of the items on display are modern reproductions as the originals would be too fragile for handling by our younger visitors.The American Civil War is remembered for its famous battles, including Bull Run, Shiloh, and Gettysburg. However the typical soldier was in actual combat for relatively few hours or days of this four-year war. Most of his time was spent marching or drilling, trying to stay awake on sentry duty, peeling potatoes, cleaning his weapons, mending his uniform, writing letters or reading and re-reading letters from home.
Most of the fighting took place in the south. There were no real battles in New England; the St. Alban's Raid of 1864 in Vermont was more a bank robbery than a battle. This meant that New Boston volunteers had to travel long distances by train, steamship and foot to get to the front lines. As mentioned in the New Boston Men in the War of Rebellion page, the men of the 16th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers marched all over the Deep South, camping in fetid swamps and succumbing to mosquito-borne diseases, but never fought in a major battle.
Uniforms & Equipment

Lieutenant Dodge would have used a cavalry horse brush, curry comb and hoof pick to care for his mount.

Cavalry boots were also a great prize. In fact, any shoes were valuable. If you look at battlefield photographs (the Civil War was one of the earliest wars to be documented by photography) you will notice that most of the casualties are shoeless as their footwear would be taken by the survivors.
This cavalry boot is original.
A soldier mended his uniform using a sewing kit called a "housewife".
Hours were passed smoking a pipe or playing checkers.
Take-apart candlesticks and a signal lamp.
The signal lamp (above right) has a glass lens to focus the light from its whale oil flame. Kerosene from oil wells was just becoming available and was too expensive for common use. A lamp exactly like this one was found on the H. L. Hunley, a Confederate submarine that was the first submarine to sink an enemy ship.

A revolver could be loaded with multiple paper cartridges containing powder and bullets.

Reproduction of 1859 "New Model" Sharps Carbine
The rifle in the photo above is a .52 caliber Sharps carbine, lighter than the Sharps rifle and preferred by cavalrymen. 80,000 of these New Model 1859 Carbines were purchased by the Federal government, and the Confederacy made 5,000 copies of this design.
Hardtack & Coffee
18-year-old hardtack; coffee brewing at the 2013 Civil War encampment.
Recipe for hardtack: Mix five or six parts flour with one part water. Add no sugar, no salt and no yeast! Knead the dough, roll it out to 3/8-inch thickness, cut into 3-inch squares, pierce with a fork, and bake at 300 degrees for a long time.

Hardtack wasn't always prepared under the most sanitary conditions nor was it always stored properly. Therefore it could become infested with weevils and other grubs, which might float to the surface to be skimmed off when the hardtack was dipped in coffee. Speaking of coffee...

Sacks of coffee beans might be delivered pre-roasted or green. If green, a soldier would roast them over a campfire in a cast-iron frying pan. The roasted beans might be pulverized by the butt end of a rifle, and the grounds would be put directly in a coffee pot or tin cup. Boiling water would be poured over the grounds. In his article "Civil War soldiers made coffee America's drink" historian Fred Lynch argues that coffee's popularity today is due to Civil War soldiers acquiring a taste for the beverage and experiencing the comradeship of brewing and sharing many potsful of coffee.
Editor's note: The moment I saw the 18-year-old hardtack on display in the Historical Society and heard Dick Moody's story about how the hard crackers had to be dipped in coffee to make them chewable, I knew I had a title for this web page. I was somewhat dismayed to find that John D. Billings had already used this title 136 years earlier, in his Civil War memoir "Hardtack and Coffee, or the Unwritten Story of Army Life" published in 1877. However, I was soon lost in the pages of Billing's book, which you may read on-line. I appreciated the book's many drawings by Charles W. Reed, a few of which I reproduced on this page.
I thank Dick & Betsy Moody for their stories and the interesting display of Civil War artifacts I used for the color photographs. -Dan Rothman 2013
P.S. Here's one more hardtack story, which precedes the Civil War by a few hundred years:
The Great Fire of London which destroyed 13,000 houses and St Paul's Cathedral in 1666 began in Thomas Farriner's bakery in Pudding Lane. At that time, Farriner held the post of "Conduct of the King's Bakehouse" which meant that he had the contract to provide hardtack to the Royal Navy! (Please do keep an eye on your oven if you try the hardtack recipe included on this page.)