New Boston Historical Society
New Boston, New Hampshire
Rope tow at Pinball Hill Ski Area
Skiing in New Boston

Betsy Moody tells me that the New Boston Skiway was on the Welch farm that you see on your right as you go up Tucker Mill Road from the Francestown Road.
According to the New England Lost Ski Areas Project (NELSAP), "The New Boston Skiway opened in the late 1930's with a 1000 foot rope tow. By 1938, the area had added a second tow, giving a combined length of 1800'. This was a fairly large area, with 200 acres, runs up to 3000 feet, and a vertical drop of 300 feet."
2021 update: In October of 2021 we met three people whose parents operated the Skiway! They shared their photos with us, which you can see on our New Boston Skiway page.
Pinball Hill ski area 1947-1953
New Boston's second ski area was on Pinball Hill, which rises up from what today is the 4-H Fairgrounds. This ski area was owned and operated by Walter O. Kirsch from 1947-1953. He had an engine house at the top of the hill with a V-8 Ford engine that powered the 750 foot rope tow, a warming hut at the bottom of the hill, and three ski slopes.
The book Images of America - New Boston says: "During the course of the ski season, one would need to purchase many pairs of mittens, as gripping the rough rope took its toll." NELSAP says: "The area was operated Saturday, Sunday, and holidays, but could be opened other times on arrangement."
Pinball Hill Ski Area - 1949
The main hill was lighted with flood lights, and night skiing was very popular. Walter L. remembers that his father charged a dollar or two for the use of the rope tow, and his mother and her friends cooked food for sale in the warming hut. After a heavy snow, boys packed down the snow by side-stepping up the hill on their skis, for which they were rewarded with a free day of skiing. Unfortunately, for two winters in a row there wasn't much snow, and the southeast exposure made that snow melt quickly, so Walter O. Kirsch gave up the business.
Pinball Hill Ski Area and warming hut
Walter Kirsch (left) in the Snack Bar - photo from Paula LeBaron's collection
Today, Pinball Hill is once again overgrown with trees. What became of the warming hut? It went to Goffstown!
Oat's Electric Center in Goffstown was once the Pinball Hill ski area's warming hut.
Photo from the late 1950s courtesy of the Walker Transportation Collection, Historic Beverly.
I knew that Bill Mason was New Boston's road agent for many years. Who was "Oat Whipple"?
Otis B. Whipple (1912-1971) was the man who owned "Oat's Electric," a Goffstown appliance repair shop. Jane Kennedy said that Oat was on the ski patrol at Pinball. Jane also said that her father-in-law Joe Kennedy worked in the coffee/hot dog shop at the ski area.
Jen Brown of the Goffstown Historical Society, who asked the question about Oat's, has a Main Street business just a few yards from where Oat's once stood. Jen, who lives in New Boston, is the granddaughter of Walt Kirsch, the man who owned the Pinball ski area!
Skip Gomes on skis
Skip Gomes stands on wooden skis in this undated photograph, taken near his home on Misty Meadow Lane. Skip's skis are probably representative of what many skiers used on New Boston's hills.
Pinball skiers
— Dan R.